What has been going on in the world of Miss Conduct?

What has been going on in the world of Miss Conduct? They have been busy adding new songs to their list and playing out like crazy.

The other weekend they opened for Blacktop Mojo at the 44. It was a great experience and as usual playing at the 44 was a lot of fun. The crowd was as entertaining as the band was on stage. It was so nice to see some regular faces in the crowd dancing and getting to know new people as well.

Blacktop Mojo was another level of excitement for Miss Conduct. Not only getting to meet the band but playing on the same stage as them. All everyone could talk about was how cool they are, as a band and as people. It was fun watching them play and seeing the crowd dancing to their songs.

It was a great night, thank you to the 44, Blacktop Mojo and everyone that came out to spend the night dancing with us.


Who Makes up Miss Conduct?


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