Who Makes up Miss Conduct?

First you need to remember that this blog is written me, the photographer, not the band members.  So, you are going to learn who each member of the band is from my perspective.

Tee—Singer.  You my say she is the front person of the band, but really who is Tee?  Tee is a kind and caring person.  If you are her friend she cares about you.  In my opinion she will do anything for her friends.  But she is also opinionated, stubborn, and sometimes I just want to scream at her when she gets something in her head about the website.  But I do love her.  If I had to describe her in just one sentence, I would say.  Tee is a lot to handle, opinionated, hot headed and sometimes a squirrel running by can change her focus, but she is a great person with a big heart.  How does Tee describe herself?  “God-fearing, gun toting, in your face all American girl who still believes in Prince Charming.”

Ken—Bass Player.   You would think this one would be easy as I have been married to him for years.  Ken is a very caring person that would give you the shirt off his back and that is not always a good thing.  He loves to make people laugh and tends to be the peacemaker or voice of reason.  You can ask if he knows any Dad jokes.  He does and will be happy to share them with you whether you want him to or not.  How does Ken describe himself?  “Husband, father, music nerd, peacekeeper, and all-around goofball,  I want to make people laugh…sometimes at inappropriate times.”

Bob—Guitar Player.  He is happily retired, and loves playing guitar and it shows.  He is a very sweet person, I have never really seen his emotional side.  He is easy going,  appreciative, and a great conversationalist, I know he has a funny side as I can see it in his eyes.  Looks like I might have to dig a little deeper on him and get his real story.  How does Bob describe himself?  “I’m a good man with a horrible addiction to guitar gear, rock ’n” roll and in dire need of an intervention!”

Mario—Guitar Player.  His is a very kind soul, with a huge heart.  Slightly on the introverted side, but don’t let that baseball hat or quiet voice fool you.  Mario watches EVERYTHING!  Him and I have conversations just with our eyes and facial expressions.  He makes me laugh so much.  How does Mario describe himself? “Super grateful for the friendship’s I’ve made and the places I’ve been through music; coming around to pot stickers.

Jimmy—Drummer.  Jimmy is a foodie.  He and I talk food and chefs all the time.  He is a funny person, who HATES Dad jokes making it all the more fun when Ken tells one.  He is complex as he has so many interests and sides to himself.  How does Jimmy describe himself?  “My soul is that of a drummer..I didn’t do it to become rich or famous.  I do it because it’s the love of my life.”

Christine—Photographer.  Ok so I am not technically part of the band, but I feel like I am.  I update their website and take all the pictures you see.  But who am I?  That is a really good question, I am a complex person.  I love to cook and make art with my photography, but I am not a cook or a photographer.  I am introverted, but love to be around my friends and they would wonder why I say I am introverted.  My one sentence to describe myself.  “I am who I am.  I have a resting bitch face.  I am very direct and straight to the point.  People call me aggressive and think I am a bitch, but I will do anything for those that I love.  I make no excuses or apologies.  I am who I am.”


What has Miss Conduct been doing and who is the new guy?


What has been going on in the world of Miss Conduct?