What has Miss Conduct been doing and who is the new guy?

First let me answer who is the new guy and where is Bob?  Bob decided to leave Miss Conduct.  He has been so busy with life and other projects that he just did not have the time to dedicate to Miss Conduct. We all wish him well in what he is doing and support his decision.

Mike is the new guitar player.  I have gotten to know him and yes, ladies he is married with children.  He is a sincere and kind person, but like all guitar players he can be a handful at times.  But seriously, he is an interesting person.  He can talk about Broadway shows and heavy metal music, I guess he should be able to given he works for the radio industry.  He was a little quiet at first, coming in playing and then leaving as fast as he came.  I hope he is not like that in all ways of life or his wife may not be happy with him.  But now that he has gotten to know us and we have gotten to know him, he is showing his funny side.   So, when you come to see Miss Conduct play give him a warm welcome.

Miss Conduct had taken a little time off to gel and add a bunch of new songs, but they are back playing out at different venues around that valley.  They have some new places lined up as well as places they have played before.  We are looking into the summer and excited to see you, so make sure you look out for where we will be next.


Who Makes up Miss Conduct?